Oppening Hours

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Christ’s Ascension is soon here and then we will open the barn again! We are part of the Food round and will have two different asparagus pizzas to visit.

Opening hours 9-12/5:
Thursday 9/5 at 12-10pm
Fri 10/5 at 12-22
Sat 11/5 at 12-22
Sun 12/5 at 12-16

If you want to get in touch with us during our opening hours, you can best reach us via email. But you can always try by phone.
You don’t have to leave your four-legged friend at home, they are more than welcome to us. If you have children in the party who sit in their own seats, you must include them in the party when you book.
The outdoor dining area is open if the weather permits and we only have drop-in there.
Our largest table holds eight people and during high season we are unable to accommodate larger groups than that.